Well, 2008 is over. I am very much looking forward to the new year. I know the outlooks is somewhat bleak, but I am grateful for a fresh start. I am resolving to move forward with optimism and enthusiasm.
Looking back, I see that I spent A LOT of my time this year knitting. (mosaic below)
I did not spend that much time sewing. I found sewing to be tedious, time consuming and my failures where disappointing. I have realized 3 things about sewing: 1) it can be tedious and 2) it is a lot harder (compared to knitting) to fix mistakes, and 3) most patterns need alterations in order to fit (me) properly, so muslins are a must... even more so than a knit gauge swatch.
I am thrilled with my knitting output this past year, however I want to increase my sewing output. That is a resolution for 2009; to sew more & to get better at pattern alterations. Also, I am resolving to finish a project before I take on another. I tend to be quite fickle with my attentions because I have so many ideas that I want to try. So I will attempt to keep the number of WIPS consistent.
Challenges I would like to take on this year:
knit a lace shawl (in lace weight yarn)
color work (finish Confectionary Tank)
sew more major clothing items than I buy (dresses!)
knit down my stash
design a knit
I like to keep a lace shawl on the needles at all times, because for me it tends to be tedious and takes forever to finish. I work two rows and then find a mistake and have to rip back. Sigh.
I want to learn how to sew this year, at the very least I would like to be able to line bags.
Good goals, Grace and I love how you were able to get all your projects in a mosaic tile (?)
Big Hug, Shannon
Hey, you knit a lot! I know how to sew a little, and I'm thinking of getting a sewing machine, but the reasons that you cite are why I am hesitating. Plus knitting is portable!
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